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Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

An unplanned pregnancy can be a tough time filled with confusion and uncertainty. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the changes that you are experiencing.

Adoption Makes Family can help you navigate this overwhelming time in a sensitive and caring manner. Our goal is to help you make the best decision for your future and your baby’s future, regardless of whether that choice involves adoption.

Initial Contact

Sometimes the toughest part of navigating a difficult situation is taking the first step. Your mind will come up with a million reasons why you shouldn’t reach out for help. However, connecting with a trained counselor is the one of the best decisions you can make.

Adoption Makes Family’s staff is available to assist you through whatever decision makes you feel most comfortable. If you do not want to speak with someone in person or over the phone right away, talk with us online or send an email or text message. We can also meet with you in your home or another location that is convenient for you.

You should choose at least one friend or family member to confide in about your unplanned pregnancy aside from professional help. You’ll appreciate having a sounding board to discuss your emotions and feelings as your pregnancy progresses.

Making a Plan

The staff at Adoption Makes Family walk you through every step of the adoption process, helping you make the best decisions for both you and your baby. There are many factors to consider if you are thinking about an adoption. Do you want an open adoption or a closed adoption? What type of adoptive family do you want for your child?

Our adoption counselors will start where you are, listening to your specific questions and responding to your individual needs. Adoption Makes Family can help you answer these questions in a nonjudgmental way. We simply want what is best for you and your baby, whatever outcome that may be.

Having a solid plan in place will also help when you are confronted with some of the myths about adoption, such as choosing to pursue an adoption makes you an uncaring person or you’ll never see your child again once the adoption is complete.

Creating a Network

An adoption agency is just one of the partners you’ll need to work with throughout the course of your pregnancy. You need to ensure that you are working with a quality obstetrician, and you may need legal services if you decide to pursue an adoption. Adoption Makes Family offers these legal services at no additional charge for the birth parents.

Putting a strong team in place will help give you peace of mind and the confidence you need to overcome any feelings of anxiety and shame you may have about your pregnancy. Everyone is working toward the same goal — a happy, healthy mom and baby.

Adoption Makes Family is here to help give you advice on what questions to ask and what you should expect from each person on your team.

We are all here to help you; contact us today to start the conversation.


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