Adoption Makes Family has a policy of asking adoptive parents to send a letter and pictures of their adopted child to the Agency throughout their adopted child’s life. Why?
First, many birth parents express their desire to see that their biological child is happy, healthy and growing. Birth parents don’t stop loving their child when they create an adoption plan. As a matter of fact, we all know that an adoption plan is created because the birth parent has such love for a child, that the realization of not being able to care for a child has lead to the self-less gift of creating an adoption plans.
Birth parents experience a grieving process that is eased by hearing their adoption plan is doing well. To receive a letter that shares how the child is doing, and seeing a few pictures of the child, gives the birth parent a tremendous sense of relief. These letters and pictures help the birth parent to see the positive outcome of their adoption plan. Adoptive parents need not fear the birth parent. The creation of the adoption plan has created a permanent loving bond between the birth parent and the adoptive parent – all centered around the love for the child.